19 Φεβ 2019

What do people think of this economic philosophy I've created?

This is part of a larger philosophical manifesto.​"An economic system that aligns with and harnesses the core nature of human existence and rejects destructiveness is needed for humanity to be on the path of building.This system would recognize the need for each individual to obtain power and would harness the individual will to obtain power, but it would involve rejecting excessiveness in extortion and hoarding. To combat excessive power seeking through hoarding, people in power must allow for the offloading of power in money and ownership to others that deserve it, along with consumers rejecting businesses run by excessive power-seekers. Power cannot be offloaded to those who do not deserve the power though. These are people who will relinquish all responsibility from themselves and will not work hard or work at all.All of this achieves a balance in the power spectrum, the key to building.The economic system I have created that strives for complete building is called Conscious Capitalism. It is beyond capitalism, and it is beyond any economic system ever devised in the history of mankind. It is beyond any system because it supersedes rigid structure and is based in personal choice, cooperation, and nuance. This economic system is individualism and collectivism intertwined in their strongest forms.Individuals must extract resources, create goods, and provide services for the continuation of the species. Individuals may either own the means of production and be compensated by consumers with money for what they provide, or individuals work for someone who owns the means of production as a means of production in exchange for money. The means of production are resources, equipment, and labor. The person who works for themself and provides only their labor has ownership of the means of production. If the person works for someone else it can be said that the employer owns the person’s labor as a means of production and can direct the person as they please until the point where the worker chooses to leave.Ownership of resources and equipment is one thing; the individual must have the drive to turn those resources (knowledge may be a resource) and equipment into a good or service. Most of the drive comes from the compensation in money they will receive from consumers. An employee must also have the drive to work for someone else. Most of the drive to work for someone else comes from the compensation they receive from the employer. These drives are essential to action and creation. If a person does not have the drive or funds to start their own business, they must offer themselves as a means of production for someone else. As a means of production they simply have to complete their specific tasks and do not have to worry about running the entire organization or providing funds for it, but they do not get a share of the profits, they do not have any power, and the locus of power over their responsibilities and pay is with the owner. The owner is free to take advantage of the worker up to the point that the worker leaves the organization.When business owners hoard their power, the rest of the population is forced into a position of powerlessness in which they must offer themselves as only means of production because they do not have the access to resources or equipment, do not have the funds to acquire them, and it is difficult for them to create a business with little money because the established businesses use their power to increase productivity and out compete any newcomers. Those who are not the owners are driven into servitude and taken advantage of because the owner CAN take advantage of them, and because it is thought that they MUST in order to maximize profit. The imbalance created in hoarding is complete destructiveness. A life of servitude is a life that is not worth living. A person who feels that their life would be worth living if the system were different develops destructive tendencies because the system is so large and complex that a controlled deconstruction of the system is impossible for a lone person.Business owners must also be consumers, but since there is a small percentage of business owners and an extremely large percentage of people who are not, it can be said that the workers are also the consumers. Business owners may take advantage of the consumer, even more so when there is less competition in the field or if there is collusion in the field. Prices may be exorbitantly raised and profits do not go to the worker (consumer), it goes directly to the owners.Business owners, the controllers of operation, may abuse workers and they may also abuse the resources and the consumer. The owner may abuse the environment, abuse animals, and use practices that create a poor product, or even a harmful product. The consumer may be unaware of the treatment of workers, unaware of the abuse of resources, and unaware of the abuse they receive if the product they are given is deceptively poor or harmful. Businesses may be able to hide the destructiveness of the operation or product through advertising or by keeping their mouth shut. In most cases there are no repercussions for businesses that operate destructively.The best economy is one in which every individual is driven to contribute and build, and everyone enjoys their life. It is an economy that minimizes destructiveness and maximizes building.The individual may be in one of four roles in the economy, and in each of these roles they have the free will and choice to act either destructively or constructively. The owner, worker, consumer and government must work together in order to build.Conscious Capitalism and The Business Owner-It is up to the individual to create a business that is not destructive. The individual mind must understand that money maximization is not the goal. Building is the goal, and society as a whole must be included in this goal.In order to minimize destructiveness and maximize building, the business owner must take a small profit instead of seeking the maximization of profit for themself. The business owner should pay their workers their worth and should provide their services to consumers for a reasonable price, while keeping a small profit in compensation. With pure capitalism the owners of businesses instead desire to push wages down to the bare minimum amount required to keep an active labor force and price their services to consumers in a way to acquire the most profit possible. Pure capitalism rewards greed and excessive power-seeking. But as one individual obtains power at another’s expense, the other person develops wrath or depression. An excessive power-seeker does not use their power to create more power in others, they hoard their power and wield it to obtain even more power. Yet if a business owner is not compensated for their risks in obtaining power and producing goods, they will become wrathful or depressed. A balance is needed.Individuals must desire and obtain power, but not too much power, and individuals who obtain power must disseminate the power to others. The dissemination of power must be done in an efficient manner that maintains productivity and does not interfere with the others' will to obtain power. Weakness is created if power is disseminated to those who do not deserve it or will squander it. The inefficient dissemination of power usually does not come from the business owners, but from the government seizing the power and distributing it to the masses. In order to disseminate power efficiently it must come from the owner directly to the worker, in the form of money, ownership and respect.If Conscious Capitalism is to work, the basis of the economy is the formation of respectful relationships. Without strong relationships, individuals are turned into interchangeable cogs and treated poorly. Without a respectful relationship with the world, people will neglect it and destroy it. The formation of relationships starts with the business owner. Workers must be treated with respect and not subjected to poor working conditions, or if they are, compensated fairly for them. A worker must be paid fairly, with sacrifice being made by the owner, and as you will see later, the consumer. Owners should strive to create a more enjoyable and fulfilling work experience. Workers should not be treated as cogs, performing simplified, degrading and monotonous tasks over and over. The worker should be involved in the creation of a product or service in an extensive role, and see the fruits of their labor. A more extensive role means more power is being granted to the person, so that person must step up to the challenge.The allocation of ownership is essential. Ownership means power and a share of the profits. Without the dissemination of ownership the imbalance of power becomes out of control. With regards to passing on a business, family is important, but always allocating ownership from one familial generation to the other is too simplistic. If a business remains a small entity that can be managed by a small family it makes sense to pass it on within the family. But if a business can support multiple families, then it is destructive to keep that business controlled by one family, reaping all of the profits.It is up to the business owner to not take advantage of consumers or the planet. Consumers may be swayed into buying destructive products. Advertisements influence these people into buying into their own ignorance. Destructive industries must be done away with.It is up to the business owner to keep their business on a small scale and not hoard all the power of the market or industry for themselves. A sacrifice must be made to allow other businesses to form. The focus should be on keeping a business local and if there is room for expansion an allocation of ownership to another person is necessary.Businesses must not operate for the sole sake of making money. This mentality creates a lot of the destructiveness within an economy. Businesses must be made in order to strengthen society and every individual within.When a business ceases to operate for the sole sake of making money, it may become less profitable and risk being out competed by businesses that do seek to maximize profit and cut cost, but we will see later how this is remedied with the choice of the consumer.Conscious Capitalism and The Worker-The worker must seek power and responsibility, and when allocated power the worker must wield that power with strength.In Conscious Capitalism the individual is responsible for obtaining their livelihood. A little help is provided by the government, which I will go into later. If an individual does not cultivate worth then they do not deserve power and money. Workers must seek to become entrepreneurial and must seek responsibility rather than shy away from it. If an individual does not want responsibility then they do not deserve any share of ownership and a cut of the profits.The individual must know his place in society and in the economy. People must be graceful and know their limitations, power placement, and limit their greed for power. People must know that contributing to the building and maintenance of society can be done in ways that are not as direct and are less fulfilling, but are still beneficial and necessary. People must find their piece in the puzzle of society and must seek work that contributes to building and truth seeking, no matter how far removed from it. People must know their place.The worker goes down the path of destruction if they become too greedy, jealous, or lazy.Conscious Capitalism and The Consumer-The consumer plays a major role in making Conscious Capitalism function. In the end, it is up to the conscious individual to choose to support either destructive businesses or businesses that strengthen society for all. A sacrifice must be made by the consumer in the form of paying a higher price in order to support businesses that do not operate destructively. In the end the payoff for supporting certain businesses (this is where nuance comes in) is far greater than the money saved in supporting a destructive business and economic system.A business that operates destructively exploits the worker, consumer, and Earth. The consumer may still feel it is necessary to play into the game of the exploitation of themselves because they believe there are no other options. The consumer may also be oblivious to their own exploitation. The consumer that does not care about the worker does not have any empathy, common sense, or understanding of what it takes to build society. The consumer who facilitates the exploitation of the worker is no better than the business owner that exploits. Consumers do not comprehend that they are also workers. It is in their best interest to support the actualization of other workers for the sake of the widespread benefits that come around to themselves.According to the doctrine of modern economics, with economies of scale, large corporations are able to cut costs and sell their products to consumers cheaper. Under the same doctrine, the consumer should buy the cheapest product and support the most efficient business to save money and in turn support a system that uses resources efficiently. Except common economics and economical thinking does not consider the larger picture. Unconscious consumers choose to support businesses in the component that is most visible, their ability to produce a product efficiently and cheaply. Yet this ability does not make the certain business the best choice. If a consumer supports the corporate economic structure, they are supporting their own indirect demise. They may get their goods cheaper, but they must also work for cheaper for the same corporations that control the economy. Large corporations are soulless- they have no concept of rejecting destructiveness and choosing building. Individuals become faceless cogs in the corporate machine and are treated that way.A strong overall economy is one in which the focus is on strengthening the smaller-scale economies of the communities within it by supporting small local businesses. This economy is also one in which money is not allocated to entities that extort and exploit. With a small-scale economy you have the opportunity to form relationships, keep a closer check on how the business operates, and trust in a local business run by people you can interact with. By supporting a small local business you are more likely to get a well-crafted product and you support the self-actualization of the workers and business owners who choose to operate in the way of building. By supporting the community economy, a person supports the community’s ability to be self-reliant, along with helping each individual in that community to become self-reliant. Self-reliance is incredibly important in the formation of a strong individual and for its practicality in strengthening communities against the turbulence of the larger world.Small businesses have a greater opportunity to allocate power to its workers more easily. Small businesses have a better opportunity to not extort the workers or consumers. Small businesses are less likely, by their nature or by their operation, to have less of an impact on the environment and on the aesthetic of the environment.With a small-scale local economy you keep the money local and in the hands of people you can trust and who do not exploit. By supporting large-scale corporations you give money to an entity that extracts money from one area and allocates excessive profits to people living elsewhere. There is less oversight in dealing with large corporations and less of an ability to influence their destructiveness. The destructiveness of a large corporation flourishes because each individual that contributes to the operation feels no accountability.The consumer must invest in small locally owned businesses. It is counterproductive to join into the corporate economic scheme by putting money into the status quo corporate stock market. The corporate status quo is status quo because it is pushed onto the masses and because it is the easiest and less risky way to make money. The individual must look at the origin of fast-money making and must look beyond quick profits. Special care must be made in choosing the right small local business to invest in because these businesses are less of a guaranteed money generator.In a system of capitalism, there cannot be an excessive artificial propping up of non-destructive businesses that do not operate effectively. There must be competition or else the use of resources is inefficient. The individual will to compete and produce efficiently must be preserved. It is also to the benefit of society that some industries simply will have to remain large-scale as well. In these industries there is less room for the self-actualization of workers and large-scale efficiency is highly practical. These businesses should be the last to be converted into smaller-scale counterparts, but there should still be focus in eliminating all destructiveness in operation and if necessary, scale. The conversion of industries to small-scale will not happen overnight.Conscious Capitalism and The Government-Individuals comprise and shape the government, which acts on the economy. The government is used to counteract the destructiveness of the economy. The use of the government to curb destructiveness is inefficient and even counterproductive.The government is inefficient in curbing human nature because it is up to the individual to choose for themself if they want to act destructively or not. Forcing someone to act a certain way grates against the individual and makes the individual desire to exercise their free will in defiance.Inequality and an imbalance of power is part of human nature and society. Pure socialism or communism rejects this nature and creates weakness and dependency. The concept of absolute allocation for equality may create weakness in the individual or society.The government should function as a limited cushion for individuals that need short-term help. Individuals that need help with providing for their sustenance should be provided with a very limited base sustenance, not salary, in order to keep a smoothly operating society while protecting against creating weak and dependent individuals. The government should partially tackle income inequality by instituting a modest scaled taxation with special emphasis on taxing the very rich.Government regulation of business operation should be minimized in areas that only function as red tape. In areas of regulation that truly reduce destructiveness the government should exercise nuance in keeping regulation against extreme destructiveness while instituting a slow minimization of regulation in other areas to make way for freedom as individuals awaken to the duality of human nature.As part of eliminating economic power inequalities, government employees, white collar or otherwise, should be paid one half, one third, or less of their current salaries and benefits depending on how exorbitant their salaries are. The government should not act as a corporation that extorts the population and allocates exorbitant salaries to workers of the government.A combination of efforts from consumers, workers, owners, and government is needed to eliminate usury and the corporate financial industry. A collective effort is also needed to balance the power spectrum in white-collar and blue-collar positions, in which power is heavily allocated to the white-collar side. A collective effort is needed in supporting masculine areas of work and in preserving masculinity in jobs rather than eliminating them with technology. Finally a collective effort is needed to reject the notion that the economy can function as a continual growth model.Usury is evil (wrathful and destructive) and must be eliminated. Very low interest rates are okay, but no interest is even better.People must not put their money into the corporate financial system and members of the corporate financial system must cease to operate. The corporate financial industry takes huge profits and allocates money to large corporations. The financial industry produces nothing of value, is full of greed and useless wastefulness, and actively destroys society. This is reflected in the personalities of those that comprise the industry- empty and soulless. People must stop giving money and power to Wall Street and the globalist corporate elite.Real work must be compensated, not paper-pushing uselessness. A hard physical labor position can be considered more fulfilling than the office life, but it is incorrect to say that because of this, office jockeys should be compensated more. A hard physical labor position and a white-collar office job are difficult in very different ways, one for subjecting the body (and mind) to physical hardship, the other subjecting the mind (and body) to spiritual hardship. A masculine man would need to be paid far more to get him to do an office job, but for the large percentage of people an office job is much more appealing than doing strenuous physical labor. Should an office full of women be paid more than a work yard full of men? Many office jobs are actually not that soul-crushing and are partially fulfilling anyways. Women seem to be able to thrive in cushy office environments, although I believe this is a negative adaptation and superficial for even them.Work should be compensated for its real value and for what it takes for people to want to do the job. Useless paper pushers should not be compensated far more than a blue-collar worker simply because it is less desirable of a job. It is a job that should be completely eradicated anyways. Less desirable does not mean compensated more than every other job, although it does play a factor. But in our society it does not seem that office jobs are compensated more for their undesirability but because people actually think they are of more value holistically. I say that a man should be paid justly for the true worth and amount of physical and mental work he does and I say men should be incentivized to work with their hands by offering good pay for physical work. Power to those who deserve power, not for the positions that have manipulated, maneuvered, and propagated to obtain their fraudulent standing.An effort must be made to supersede the inevitability of technology supplanting all work, and especially masculine areas of work. This must be done through all four roles in the economy. Similarly, the specialization of work must be done away with. Specialization leads to monotonous and simplified drudgery, not self-actualization or societal actualization. A person should seek to become competent in many areas of work and enjoy the satisfaction of the diversification and higher complexity of work. People should not strive to become a specialist in one task and should not have to rely on an army of specialists to complete all their tasks for them. I envision society being comprised of agrarian communities that are created and maintained by a close-knit group of people competent in many areas working for one another in mutual benefit, rather than isolated people pushing off tasks to unknown specialists in an industrialized wasteland.There needs to be a growing respect and support of the masculine worker and builder. Craftsmanship needs to be brought back and supported. A craftsman self-actualizes and is fulfilled by his work. The same goes for women that practice a craft. There is a sense of power and accomplishment in this kind of work. There must be a societal push on all fronts in bringing back small-scale craftsmanship, one area being that consumers must seek it out.Our technological corporate economic structure leads to the breakdown of the polar nature in man and woman. Our economic structure feminizes men and masculinizes women. An agrarian-like limited technological economic structure allows for women to work in feminine areas of home-work and land-work (homekeeping) and craftsmanship, and allows for men to work in masculine areas of home-work and land-work (husbandry) and craftsmanship.I will end the section on economics by saying that the idea of constant growth is impossible and destructive because we live on a planet of limited resources and many people. The common economic doctrine of continual economic growth must be discarded for an economy that is sustainable and on the path of building."

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